The Group compiles an analyst consensus on a regular basis.

The consensus below was last updated on 15 July 2024 and reflects the most recent forecasts from the 5 covering analysts.

  FY 2025FY 2026
Revenue £m162.8172.1
Underlying EBITDA£m42.544.6
Underlying Profit before Tax£m28.130.3
Underlying EPSpence per share23.325.0


The consensus, above, has been collated based on published forecasts by analysts and is therefore publicly available information. 

Any opinions, estimates or forecasts regarding Knights ' future performance made by analysts contributing are theirs alone. The information is presented for information purposes only and is not endorsed by Knights and is not provided as investment advice. Knights Group Holdings PLC assumes no liability for the accuracy or completeness of forecasts used in this analysis. Knights reserves the right to exclude analyst forecasts which are deemed to be out of date, or materially incorrect.

Analyst Coverage Name 
Deutsche Numis Steve Woolf
StifelSamuel Dindol
InvestecTom Callan
Panmure Liberum James Allen
Shore Capital Jamie Murray